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Book of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah)

Code   073
ISBN     9789960892825 (9960892824)
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Book of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah)

Available Quantity: 37


Author Salih Al-Fawzaan
Translator Mahmoud Ridha Murad
Binding Hardback
Pages 159
Size in Inches 6x9
Size in CM 15x22
Edition First, Nov. 1997
Weight (lbs) 0.74

Allah, the Exalted, has brought the Creation into existence for the purpose of worshiping Him. Proper worship depends mainly on the soundness of the Aqeedah of Tawheed, or the belief in the Oneness of Allah. Understanding the concept of Tawhid (Monotheism), on the other hand, helps the Muslim know his Rubb better, this knowledge makes him more conscious and fearful of Allah, and more hopeful of His Mercy.

This book defines the concept of Tauhid, and exposes dubious beliefs and improper rituals that are conducive to Shirk, the gravest of all sins which condemns man to eternal torment in Hell. It also discusses the status of the Prophet (S) and the incumbency of loving and reverting him. In brief, this book is a must for every Muslim.

Customer Review
rating 3
The wording in this book is confusing.
Very beneficial
rating 5
As-salaamu alaikum....I found this book to be very beneficial with regards to our understanding of the correct Aqeedah. The Shaykh, may Allah preserve him, uses sources from kibar ulema like ibnul Qayyim, ibn Taymiyah, and ibn Abdul Wahab. This book should not be confused w/ the book Kitab at-Tawheed by Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab, though they share the same title. They are both must haves. I especially like the focus on innovations and some of the sects that have appeared, making it clear that they have strayed from the Message of our Prophet, salallahu alaihi wasalaam.
Short but comprehensive
rating 5
Alhamdulillah. Short [only 159 pages] but comprehensive. Not to be confused with Sheikh s Sharh of Kitab-ut Tauhid which is far more extensive work. Recommended for every Muslim seeking the true and pure creed of Ahl us-Sunnah wa al-Jama ah.


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