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Five Powerful Ways of Trusting in Allah in Hard Times

It is natural for humans to desire control over everything. This is a part of our nature, as we often want to manage outcomes and know what will happen next.

You start feeling disappointed when you give your all and things do not work out the way you want. In fact, this point is the test of your faith.

During such times, it is important to step back and see the bigger picture. Remember that Allah's wisdom is far greater than your disappointments. Trust that He knows what is best for you, even when things do not go as you hoped. A Quranic verse that promises ease with every hardship states:

"So, surely with hardship comes ease. "(94:5)

Though the difficult time will pass, you should purify your soul and please Allah during that phase by having strong faith in him. To learn how to strengthen your trust in Allah, continue reading this blog.

Before delving into the strategies to trust Allah, let's have a deeper understanding of Tawakul.

Understanding Tawakul to Overcome Challenges

Tawakul means to rely on Allah completely. No matter what happens in life, you need to believe that Allah is the best planner, and He will take care of all your affairs. Believing that He is the Most Powerful, Most Generous, and has control over everything will give you a sense of contentment even in hard times.

But that does not mean you give up your efforts. You have to play your part. Strive and work hard while leaving the results to Allah's decision. Let's make it more clear with a Hadith. Once, the Holy Prophet (SAW) asked a person, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" He replied: "I put my trust in Allah!" The Holy Prophet (SAW) then said:

"Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah. (At-Tirmidhi)"

This means the problems won't be solved without your intervention. Allah wants you to perform your actions and rely on Him simultaneously to better manage all affairs.

5 Best Ways to Trust Allah in Hard Times

5 Best Ways to Trust Allah in Hard Times

Your trust in Allah does not become strong by chance. In fact, you have to make a commitment to it again and again. With a cracked and wounded heart, you connect to Allah and surrender before Him to gain this spiritual growth. Here, let's discuss the five best ways to make your trust stronger in Allah in difficult times:

  1. Remember the Quranic Verses Capturing the Essence of Faith

There are a lot of Quranic verses that act as a strong reminder to have tawakkul and cross all the challenges with submission to Allah's will. Allah himself says in Quran:

"Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be to its own loss."

Also, He says:

"And in Allah let the believers, put their trust" (Ibrahim:11).

Once you have made any decision in your life, trust Allah for positive outcomes and recite this ayat again and again:

"And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him" (At Talaq:3)

These faith-inspiring words ensure that no matter how impossible the situation seems, Allah alone can remove all the harm and create ways that no one could ever imagine.

  1. Make Massive Dua

Dua is a perfect source of refuge in any hardship. It can turn miseries into blessings. Although Allah is All-Knowing, it is still important to tell Him everything about your situation. Speak to Him as you would with your best friend. Share all your fears, worries, dreams, and goals in Duas, and trust that He will figure out everything for you. This is how you become closer to Him and develop an unwavering connection of trust. The significance of dua in the Quran is stated as follows:

"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way." (Surah Baqarah : Ayah 186)

  1. Be Patient and Remember Past Blessings

Remember those moments in life when you were about to fall, but Allah helped you. His support and those blessings that He showered can help you build an unbreakable trust in Him. Also, show patience during difficult times, which is highly regarded in Islam. Besides tolerating the calamity, embrace this patience as a golden opportunity to become closer to Allah. In the Holy Quran, Allah says:

"O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient." (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:153)

  1. Read Inspirational Stories of Prophets

There are different stories of Prophets filled with lessons of trust in Allah. Read them from authentic Islamic books and take inspiration to tackle the hardships in life. For instance, when Younas A.S was swallowed by a great fish, he trusted the mercy of Allah with sincere repentance in those moments of despair. Allah answered his prayers by turning the impossible into possible and helped him come out of the fish's belly.

Similarly, when Yousaf A.S was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, he and his father Yaqoob A.S kept their faith strong in Allah, and He raised him to an unexpected position of power and returned to his father. Such stories highlight the power of trust in depressing phases of life.

  1. Surrender your Control and Accept Allah's Decision

Last but not least, accept the fact that we all are humans with limited knowledge and power and only Allah has infinite wisdom. Surrender your need for control and accept His decisions. It will relieve a lot of burden from you in addition to strengthening your faith. Just focus on the present and make efforts without trying to predict future outcomes.

Final Words

By trusting in Allah completely, you can gain the love of Allah and magical answers to all your calls. Never let your circumstances determine your faith in Allah. In fact, when everything seems to point in the opposite direction of what you desire, believe that Allah will make a way out for you. This is because Allah will always treat you the way you think about him.

We also recommend reading the biography of the Prophet and his companions to learn more about cultivating faith in daily life. May Allah always keep you on the right path and guide you towards the best! Ameen.


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