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Debunking the Canons of Atheism with Decisive Proofs

Code   RA06
ISBN     9781684895830
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Debunking the Canons of Atheism with Decisive Proofs

Available Quantity: 14


Subtitle دحض شرائع الإلحاد بالأدلة الحاسمة
Author Abdul Rahman Bin Nasir As-Sa'adi
Binding Paperback
Pages 213
Size in Inches 6x9x0.60
Size in CM 15x22.5x1.5
Edition 1st (November 2021)
Weight (lbs) 0.75

This book by Sheikh Abdul-Rahman ibn Nasir al-Sa'di is a very valuable book; matchless in its genre, elegance, clarity, and perfectly timed with the current time. There is a dire need for this topic because the wave of atheism and materialism is so strong it has swept many people away. Of notable examples are some deceived preachers and leaders, politicians of the colonizers, people with poor insight, and hypocritical speakers. Atheism is unfortunately popular, which is extremely unsettling. The religion of Islām has become as alien as it once began, and true commitment to it has become like holding to an ember.This book has contended with, challenged, and debunked the arguments of the multi-faceted forms of atheism. It exposes the contradiction of their argument to reason, the natural disposition, and wisdom in the same way they are in opposition with all the sound religions. The book addresses their arguments from various angles. It sometimes offers a realistically clear portrayal of their arguments enough to rebut them because of no more than such portrayal. In other instances, the book offers conclusive evidence on the invalidity of the canons of atheism, exposing them to the weakness that runs through them while elucidating the truth standing in opposition to those principles.Furthermore, the book unfolds the sly maneuvers of atheists who deploy deceptive language to support their falsehood and promote it amidst the weak-minded who blindly follow anyone. The author also draws reference to the various ways deceivers or the deceived. Simply put, this book provides aid for the believers, a further means to certainty for the hesitant who wish to learn the truth, and a light in the maze of confusion. It offers knowledge for anyone seeking the truth. The author presented the atheists’ arguments fairly and tested them against reason in a way acceptable to any sound-minded person with a pure natural disposition. The book is suitable for everyone regardless of their ideological orientation. Every reader can benefit from it. Leafing through this book is sufficient enough it makes it needless to describe it.


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