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Men & Women around the Messenger

Code   243
ISBN     9786035000338 (6035000339)
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Men & Women around the Messenger

Available Quantity: 20


Subtitle رجال ونساء حول الرسول
Author Sa'd Yusuf Abu Aziz
Translator Suleman Fulani
Binding Hardback
Pages 608
Size in Inches 6x9
Size in CM 15x23
Weight (lbs) 1.86

The author has chosen one hundred personalities amongst the Companions. He compiled narrations, hadiths and incidences that contributed to the distinction of these individuals who have no similitude in the history of mankind after the Prophets of Allah and His Messengers. Their excellence is further clearly established from the study of these individuals, their attributes and their characters with which they were embellished. For this reason, they were from the best of people ever raised up for mankind.

As described
rating 5
As described
rating 5
Alhamdulillah our role models are the Rasul and his Sahaba. So that’s who we should spend the most time learning about and trying to imitate in our Ibada, Aqeedah, and Akhlaq
Very good
rating 5
Comprehensive guide to the companions around the Prophet SAWS during his life
Very Happy
rating 5
I am very happy with my purchases The book bind and pages are good quality
An honest opinion
rating 3
Bismillah AL rahman al Raheem. First and foremost, God forgive me if I am erring in my judgement. The reason for my mediocre rating is mainly for two reasons 1) The first citation of a source appears very far in the book. Somewhere in the middle. And to be quite honest, I feel like the book has possibly very weak sources. Whole speeches of the companions of the prophet "saw" are given that sometimes takes up pages. Hard to believe with such accuracy that a long speech that can take several minutes and said only once can be memorized word for word with such accuracy. 2) The author uses very big words and I found my self constantly googling the definition of the words only to find that many synonymous words could have been used that we all can understand. This point is my own personal bias. may allah reward the author and everyone who helped him in his effort.
Customer Review
rating 5
A tremendous and an applauding effort has been put in collecting the seerah of the 100 people around the Messenger Peace and Blessing be Upon Him. A clear concise image has been created of the Sahaba. An absolute must have in all Muslim Households, a great way to keep up the tradition of reading the stories to young children at bed time, to ensure that the children are familiar with these amazing personalities. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
Customer Review
rating 5


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