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Short Biography of The Prophet and His Ten Companions

Code   185
ISBN     9789960899121 (9960899128)
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Short Biography of The Prophet and His Ten Companions
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Subtitle سيرة مختصرة للنبي وأصحابه العشرة
Author Imam Hafiz 'Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdisi
Binding Hardback
Pages 86
Size in Inches 6x9
Size in CM 15x22
Edition 1st (March 2004)
Weight (lbs) 0.55

The renowned Muslim scholar Al-Hafiz Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdisi has compiled this book bearing the abridged biographies of the Prophet and his Ten Companions who were given the glad tidings of Paradise.

It is our duty to know about the lives of the Prophet and his Companions in order to learn the teachings of Islam. For that purpose many books have been written to elaborate the subject with every possible detail available. But amongst all of them this book holds a special position as it has all the information condensed in a very simple style.

Publisher's Note

All praise is due to Allah, and may He grant peace and blessings upon Muhammad, His Last Messenger.
Since it is of utmost importance that the Muslims know about the Prophet that Allah sent to them, we at Darussalam selected this brief biography written by the famous scholar 'Abdul-Ghani bin 'Abdul-Wahid Al-Maqdisi who has written many valuable books on Seerah, Fiqh and other important issues. He traveled extensively in search of knowledge and to spread the true teachings of Islam. His description is found in all the well-known Arabic biography books.

The main purpose of this book is to present the life of the Prophet in a brief form so that every Muslim should know something about all the important aspects of the Prophet's life and retain them in his memory. The most important thing is to note that the author has included in this book such details about the life of the Prophet which are not found in the general Seerah books.

The book also includes biographies of the Ten Companions who were given the glad tidings of Paradise, may Allah be pleased with them all. We ask Allah to accept this from us and for the benefit of Islam and the Muslims. Praise be to Allah, and may He send peace and blessings upon His Last Prophet and Messenger Muhammad.

Abdul-Malik Mujahid
General Manager Darussalam Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Table of Contents

Publisher's Note
A Brief Biography of the Author
Short Biography of The Prophet Muhammad
His Lineage
His Mother
His Birth
The Death of His Father, Mother, and Grandfather
His Nursing
His Names
His Upbringing, Trips to Syria, and Marriage to Khadijah (R)
His Migration
His Death
His Children
His Hajj and 'Umrah
His Expeditions
His Scribes and Messengers
His Paternal Uncles and Aunts
His Wives
His Servants
His Freed Slaves
His Animals
His Armor
His Features
His Characteristics
His Miracles

Short Biographies of the Ten Companions
Who were given the Tidings of Paradise

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (R)
Abu Hafs, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (R)
Abu 'Abdullah, 'Uthman bin 'Affan (R)
Abul-Hasan, 'Ali bin Abu Talib (R)
Abu Muhammad, Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah (R)
Abu Abdullah, Az-Zubair bin AI-'Awwam (R)
Abu Ishaq, Sa'd bin Abu Waqqas (R)
Abul-A'war, Said bin Zaid bin 'Amr (R)
Abu Muhammad, 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf bin 'Abd 'Awf (R)
Abu 'Ubaidah, 'Aamir bin 'Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah (R)
Joseph T.
rating 5
I really enjoyed this book.
Short biography of the prophet
rating 5
Excellent book. Easy to read and memorize aspects of the Prophet (PBUH)
An Eye Opener!
rating 5
This book literally brought me to tears.


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