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Tafsir Ibn Kathir - ENGLISH (10 Volumes)

Code   Q09
ISBN     9781591440208 (1591440203)
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Tafsir Ibn Kathir - ENGLISH (10 Volumes)

Available Quantity: 146


Subtitle تفسير ابن كثير - إنجليزي (10 مجلدات)
Author Hafiz Ibn Katheer
Binding Hardback
Size in Inches 6x9x14
Size in CM 15x22
Edition 2nd (July 2003)
Weight (lbs) 20.78

Tafsir Ibn Kathir is one of the Most Comprehensive and Complete Explanation of The Noble Quran. Translated in to the English language for the First time in the History of Islam!

Translated and abridged by a group of scholars under the supervision of Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri.Written and complied by Hafiz Ibn Kathir

The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah's Own Words for the guidance of His creatures. Since the Qur'an is the primary source of Islamic teachings, the correct understanding for the Qur'an is necessary for every Muslim. The Tafsir of Ibn Kathir is the most renowned and accepted explanation of the Qur'an in the entire world. In it one finds the best presentation of Ahadith, history, and scholarly commentary.

Dar-us-Salam is proud to present for the first time this abridged version of Tafsir Ibn Kathir, which is free from unauthentic Ahadith.

Save $20 when you buy 10 volume set compared to buying each volume individually!

Volume 1: Parts 1 and 2(Surat Al-Fatihah to Verse 252 of Surat Al-Baqarah)
Volume 2: Parts 3, 4 & 5 (Surah Al-Baqarah, V. 253 to Surat An-Nisa, V. 147)
Volume 3: Parts 6, 7 & 8 (Surat An-Nisa, V. 148 to the end of Surat Al-An'am)
Volume 4: ~ Parts 8 to 11 (Surat Al-A'raf to the end of Surah Yunus)
Volume 5: ~Parts 11 to 15 (Surah Hud to Surat Al-Isra' Verse 38)
Volume 6: ~Parts 15 to 18 (Surat Al-Isra', Verse 39 to the end of Surat Al-Mu'minun)
Volume 7: ~Parts 18 to 22 (Surat An-Nur to Surat Al-Ahzab, Verse 50)
Volume 8: ~Parts 22 to 25 (Surat Al-Ahzab Verse 51 to Surat Ad-Dukhan)
Volume 9: ~Parts 25 to 28 (Surat Al-Jathiyah to Surat Al-Munafiqun)
Volume 10: ~Parts 28 to 30 (Surat At-Tagabun to end of the Quran)

Each volume is 9x6" Hardback and has around 650 pages.

Publishers Note

Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Azim, which is famous by the title Tafsir Ibn Kathir, by Al-Hafiz. Abu Al-Fida' 'Imad Ad-Din Isma'il bin 'Umar bin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi (d. 774 H.), is the most popular interpretation of the Qur'an in the Arabic language, and the majority of the Muslims consider it to be the best source based on Qur'an and Sunnah. This Arabic work spans three thousand and two hundred pages in four volumes. To cover all of the references, Ibn Kathir has also collected some weak Ahadith and Israelitish stories. Some repetitions also occur in it, as and when the topics required these.

As Darussalam has made a policy to publish only such works which are based on Qur'an and authentic Ahadith we appointed a board of Islamic scholars to summarize Tafsir Ibn Kathir in the original Arabic language. Shaykh Abu Al-Ashbal Ahmad Shagif of Rabitah Al-'Alam Al-Islami, Makkah, and Shaykh Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, Head of the Research Committee of Darussalam worked with a team of other scholars for about two years on this project. We published this summarized version in the Arabic language titled as Al-Misbah Al-Murur fe Tahdhib Tafsir Ibn Kathir.

This summarized version was prepared for the sole purpose of translation into all the major languages of the world. First of all, it is being presented in the English language as it is the most widely written and spoken in the world.

To translate a book in another language is a task requiring great skill, and when it comes to the translation of Tafsir and Hadith, then it becomes a greater responsibility, requiring the skills of both languages and the knowledge of religion and religious terms. The help, advice, guidance and cooperation of many persons was sought for the various steps of the project. The translation was done by Mr. Jalal Abualrub (USA), Mr. Nasir Khitab, his wife Mrs. Huda Khitab (Canada), Mr. Aqeel Walker (USA), Dr. Muhammad Al-Jibali (USA) and Mr. Sami Ayoub (USA). The translation was edited by Mr. Abu Khaliyl (USA), Mr. Muhammad Farooq (Pakistan), Mr. Abdul Ahad (India) Mrs. Jalal Abualrub (USA), Mr. Abdul-Mun'im (Egypt), Mr. Sidheeque M.A. Veliankode (India). Qari Muhammad Iqbal (Pakistan), Mr. Shakil Ahmad As-Salafi (India) and Hafiz Abdul-Matin (Pakistan). Layout planning and computer programming in an advanced publishing software was voluntarily carried out by Mr. Muhammad Munawar (Pakistan).

The typesetting and correction of manuscript was done by Mr. Abdus-Samad (India), Syed Ali Haider (India) and Mr. Hassan Ajami (Egypt). Some valuable suggestions were made by Mr. AlArabi bin Razduq (UK) and Mr. Omar Johnson (USA).

We have tried our best not to include any weak Hadith in this presentation. All the authentic sayings of the Prophet (S) have also been presented in the Arabic language along with diacritics. The only sections of the Arabic that were not translated are some discussions pertaining to Arabic words which were not pertinent to the English readers, such omissions are very few to mention. Topic headings were added throughout the Tafsir to help the readers better understand the discussion of the Verses of the Qur'an. The language and style adopted for the translation is very plain and simple. The translation of the meanings of the Verses is from the translation of Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan published by Darussalam. The editors have made some changes in it at some places where it was necessary to comply with the Tafsir.
I am thankful to all the workers, helpers and advisers who cooperated with us in the completion of this great project. And I am especially thankful to Shaykh Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, who is a great scholar of the time and from whom all of us at Darussalam benefit seeking his advice and valuable suggestions regarding our research projects and problems. We have tried our best to make it a faultless work, but human weakness may render any error in it. We ask the readers to forgive us for such errors and to inform us of that in order to remove it from the following editions.

In the whole project, the errors are from our side and from Satan while all the good is from the blessings of Allah. If the people benefit from this translation in the understanding of the Qur'an, we will consider it a great blessing and we pray to Allah for the best reward in the Hereafter.

Abdul-Malik Mujahid
General Manager, Darussalam Publications
Riyadh, March 2000

Tafsir Ibn kathir
rating 5
Very well made and useful products for students of knowledge.
Tafsir ibn kathir
rating 5
I started reading volume 1 as of now it is a great addtion to my reading about islam ,as well my leaning arbic Allah willing.I have not gotten too far in it as of yet ,do to the fact that i'am reading 10 books at one time.May Allah keep making my studies my ,tell death.Allah willing sometime soon I will ordering another dictionnary islamic word and expressions fatatwa islamyah- islamic verdicts 8 vol. set, As well as Wives of the Prophet pbuh. So that i may get more understanding about the mothers of the believers,also Great women of islam.I have retured too the begainning of the Qur'an memorize al-baqarah up to surah 101 in arbic as of now,i have 102-114 may Allah bless until i reach Qur'an101 little juke.I'am hope too move to baltimore md.,so i'am saving for that as well.But if i can get those books before i move that should be with other books i have Allah willing books read and memorize for a lifetime.May get other Qur'an with pen reader to have on stand by.Peace be upon you and the muslime the whole world over that loves Allah.And bothers and sisters bewere of ad'dajill in the usa he's everywere if you don't know the world over.Your muslim bother Macabre Alchemy Night ,mayAllah bless you all the world stay strong and remember al-faradus.jiahad is a inward war within ones self that reflect on the outside,unless you,your family or muslims the world over are acted.We as muslims have no one to blame for the state of the world today but ourselves we didn't unite like Allah told us to thus this world is the outcome.And all because of sects.as for me i claim La ill la ha illallah Muhammad pbuh is slave and messager as i myself pray to be until death love too the muslims that love our Master Allah the world over.Peace be on you all
rating 5
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
rating 5
It arrived on time. I was kept updated every day as books were coming from States and I live in Canada. Price was very reasonable as compared to Amazon. Thank you so much for every effort you put in sending those books
Beneficial knowledge
rating 5
Great books with lots of information and a must for every Muslims bookshelf.
Ibn katheer Tafseer
rating 5
One of the best and easiest tafseer out there. Very authentic
Very happy with my purchase
rating 5
I am very impressed and satisfied with the product Alhamdulillah. Really do recommend for anyone that is trying to make a purchase for the tafsir should make it for tafsir ibn kathir
rating 5
Books were delivered on time and good shape.
rating 5
One of the best set of books you can ever purchase to understand the Qur'an. It is well written, easy to understand and evidences and references are provided in the footnotes. The format of the books are wonderful, there is ayahs provided alongside a commentary and also hadiths as well with commentary, It's truly a fountain of knowledge for any level, and a must have for every muslim in order to truly understand the Qur'an and gain a relationship with Allah through it.
rating 5
Thank you for sending them to me. Mashallah they are amazing.
Tafsir Ibn Kather
rating 5
Very Good.
rating 5
Al hamdu lillah
Assalamonalikom wrwb
rating 5
I would like to thank darus salam publication for their hard work. I recieved my order ( tafsir ibni kathir) in the best shape and best print. I prefer ibni kathir is one of the best source of info. For muslims and for people intrested in islam
Tafsir Ibn Kathir Review
rating 5
AsSalaamu Alaikum. Thank you DarSalaam for you excellent and timely service. The books were in excellent condition when I received them and they came before expected. May Allah Subhana wata Allah continue to bless you all and your business now and in the hereafter. I will not purchase my Islamic reading materials anywhere else.
I am very happy with this purchase
rating 5
My books came much sooner than I expected, are in wonderful condition and I am very happy with this purchase.
‏السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
rating 5
Arrived faster than expected Alhamdulillah. The books look better than the pictures posted. I received them in green, gold & red unlike the photos that show gold & green. Very happy with this purchase. I have already benefited off of them in my first week of reading more than I could’ve anticipated thanks to the guidance of Allah. May Allah reward everyone who works at Darussalam.
Amazing Work
rating 5
An amazing work by Dar-us-Salam to publish one of the best Tafsir out there. Jazak Allah Kahir.
Tafseer ibn kathir
rating 5
It was a great experience with you. Thanks
My first purchase
rating 5
This is my first purchase from dar-us-salam website, I'm very satisfied with my purchase. The tafsir is in detail combined from very knowledgeable scholars and imams. Looking forward to buy more books from this website.
Perfect order
rating 5
The website was very easy to use. I received a personal phone call to let me know my confirmation email did not go through. I was very glad because I was able to fix this problem with my email address that I didn't know about, and was worried that I had missed others. I've never had a company call me before. I ordered this set for my son who is incarcerated, he had these in his hands 12 days after I ordered. Orders from other companies never take less than 2 months. He said he felt like doing back flips when he saw them, they were a surprise gift and he says they are beautiful. We are so impressed with this company. Thank you so much for your personable, courteous, quick business!!
Customer Review
rating 5
This book is a must for those people who want to understand the Quran in a very easy manner but in detail. May Allah reward Ibn Kathir, Shaikh Safiur Rahman and all those who put their efforts to make it a master piece.
Customer Review
rating 5
This is a must have in order to understand the Quran. It's spendy, but it's worth investing in!
Customer Review
rating 5
Understanding the Quran is a priority for all who wish to learn and succeed. Tafsir Ibn Kathir is very well written and a great study. Al Hafiz ibn Kathir explains the verses from a more historical aspect which is crucial to lay a solid foundation. He often narrates stories related to the verses via hadith. You get an excellent insight into the text through his presentation. What I liked about the print from Darussalam in particular was that everything was far more organized than others I have read. I'm positive that all abridged versions are not the same but are similar. This version has decided to leave in narrations of duas related to certain occasions and verses. Overall this is a great buy and a must have.
Customer Review
rating 5
For the English speaker this is a must, it opens up your understanding and appreciation for the Quraan. SubhanAllah 1 line can have a 10 page story behind it. MashAllah you learn about the history of the prophets and the people of the book. SubhanAllah.
Customer Review
rating 5
Assalamu alaikum. I have read these books in our local masjid library and it's just great. It has enabled me to understand and appreciate the Quran better than before. May Allah bless the Darussalam team for their hard work in making these books available to us.
Customer Review
rating 5
I have bought this set of 10 volumes a few years ago and since then I have used it a lot when I read the Quran and even when my kids memorize a sura, I use this tafsir book to explain it to them in more detail. The thing I love about it the most is that it uses hadeeth whenever possible and mentions the level of authenticity of that hadeeth. Highly recommend.
Customer Review
rating 5
Salam Alaikum! My name is Daniel, and I've been a Muslim for less than a year. A couple months ago I ordered Tafsir Ibn Kathir to help me along in further understanding the Quran and it has been a blessing since page one! Whenever I have difficulty understanding or comprehending a Surah or Ayat, etc, or a detail thereof, I can open up any corresponding volume of Tafsir Ibn Kathir and it provides lots of useful background, meaning, etc! I recommend this set for sure!
Customer Review
rating 5
Asalamualaikum. This set is very beneficial mashaAllah. Ibn Kathir goes into much detail of each verse. In addition, the book also consists of lessons learned from each verse. It is very thorough. A must have for any Muslim.
Customer Review
rating 5
MahshAllah this is a must for every Muslim household. The value of having this collection is worth more than the money that you need to spend!


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